Hi, I'm Cassie

StudyingInHeels is a blog about fashion and inspiration, the two loves of my life.

Thanks so much for stopping by Studying In Heels! I'm Cassie, a 19 year old fashion merchandising student at Kent State University right now, itching to graduate and move to a big city. (Which one, I haven't decided yet...there are so many great options.) In the future, I plan on working as a stylist, through personal styling or editorially for magazines, or focusing my career in the Visuals/Displays department as my favorite retailer!

I've been blogging for less than a year (yes, I'm really a newbie) but I love it so far. I also write and photography for CollegeFashionista as a KSU Style Guru (which I also LOVE.)
This blog is my space to be inspired, through outfit posts, editorials, interior design and more. I lay it all out on the table, people! 

If you have questions, interested in advertising, collaborations, or just want to throw me a "hey!" email me at: cassiedulworth@hotmail.com